Chapter and Verse Ministry

#1041 God's Warranty

by Reverend Nicholas A. Catania

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In 1041 God's Warranty, Rev. Nick Catania shares about God as the designer of creation and mankind provided an instruction manual, the Bible, on how to best work the man and woman he designed. You can use a screwdriver in many ways, but it was designed to screw in screws. If you use it as a chisel, you can ruin it. Just like Craftsman tools has a warranty to replace a tool, God can restore a person by way of forgiveness and reconciliation. To get the best results, you should use a tool, such as marriage, as it was originally designed. The video ends with Carmen and Tina singing their rendition of "There Was Jesus."

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1041 God's Warranty

You can take your Bibles and go to Genesis chapter one if you would. And I want to talk to you this morning about God's warranty. In Genesis chapter 1 in verse 1 it says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." 'The heavens and the earth,' is the text. There are 31 verses in the King James version of the Bible for the first chapter of the Book of Genesis: chapter 1 has 31 verses. In those 31 verses, the word "God", or the Hebrew word Elohim (which is translated God in our version) appears 31 times. 31 verses in chapter 1: 31 times the word Elohim or the word "God" appears.

The word "LORD" (capital L, capital O, capital R, capital D): which represents the Hebrew word Jehovah: it does not appear until you get to chapter two. And in Chapter 2, the word Jehovah or the English word "LORD" (in all capitals) appears 11 times.

Along with Jehovah for LORD or God for Elohim, Elohim appears 14 times in chapter two. So if you add the word "LORD" and the word "God" together, you have a total of 25 times those two words referring to God appear in chapter 2.

31 times God is mentioned in chapter one. 25 times the word "God" or "LORD" is mentioned in Chapter 2: giving you a total of 56 times the words "God" or "LORD" are mentioned in the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis.

When you get to chapter 3, a new name is introduced. Does anybody know what that name is? It's the serpent. It's the serpent: and the word "serpent" (which refers to the devil) appears five times in chapter three. The reference to God or LORD in chapter 3 is diminished by more than 50 percent when the serpent enters on to the scene.

The words "God" or "LORD" are used only 21 times in chapter 3. In chapter 4, it's 12 times the combination of God or LORD. In chapter five, it's six. In chapter 6, it's 12 times. Again the combination of God or LORD. Chapter seven, it's five times; and in chapter eight it appears only six times (the word "God" or the "LORD".) But in the beginning there was just God and in those first two chapters there were 56 occurrences of the word "God" or "LORD".

See God had and was on the scene. He was the main character. He decided that he wanted a family, and he wanted a family here on Earth that he made in His image. God could have had a family on Mars. He could have had a family on Jupiter. He could have had a family in the heavenlies. But he decided to make the Earth for his family. Man was made to dwell on the Earth.

In Genesis chapter 2 in verse 7, it says "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed." And you go to verse 15. It says, "And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

So God, and God alone made Adam; okay he made Adam. In a sense, you could say that God was the manufacturer and Adam came from his plant. God constructed, he built, or he formed Adam. Then after he built this man, he took him and he put him into the garden; and he told him to dress it and to keep it. The word "dress" means ‘to work'; while the word "keep" indicates ‘to guard or to protect'. So the man that God made, that God placed in the garden: he was given two responsibilities at this point. He was told to work the garden and he was told to protect the garden.

The garden was Adam's home. That's where he lived. God told Adam to work and God told Adam to protect his house; to guard his home. This is the will of the father and this is the way Adam was supposed to work. A man needs to work and a man needs to guard his home from any outside source that is contrary to the father's will. This was instilled in Adam at birth and it's still God's will for man today.

This is how Adam was built. Adam was built to work and he was built to guard his home at this point. And as long as Adam operated the way God designed him to operate things would be fine. As long as Adam would work and all as long as Adam would protect his home or guard his home things would be fine.

And God gave Adam a warning. God warned Adam that the moment he disobeyed and he started to do things that he was never made to do, that he would what? He'd die. So in God's economy, man was designed to work and protect or guard his home; to fight to keep anything out of his home that was contrary to God's provision.

It's a man. And if that man becomes a father, then a father's primary responsibility is to work and to protect his home from anything contrary to God's will; and to raise his children in the nurture and direction of the Lord. Now listen to what I'm going to tell you. The father is responsible for raising the children according to God's Word. And that may be contrary to what you've heard and learned, but that's not what the Bible teaches.

You want a verse? Ephesians chapter 5 verse 23 says, "For the husband is the head of the wife," period. And as the head everything falls back on the husband. Now, you all know that the wife does most of the hands-on raising of the child. That's true. However, it is the God-given responsibility to the father to keep or protect his family. And even though the women spend most of their time with the children. ultimately the father is the one who is responsible for the children to God. The father is to instruct his wife as to how to raise the children in the Lord.

It is the father's job. Now the wife carries it out because the wife submits herself to her own husband. And if she doesn't submit herself to her own husband, she's not going to listen to her husband; and the Word of God's not going to get taught to those children.

It's the father who says, "I'd like you to do this. Well, I don't want them to watch this; or keep them away from this." And yes, the wife puts in her two cents, and it's valuable. But ultimately it's the father that has to take the responsibility. If God's Word is to live in the home, it's the father's duty to make sure he protects that house from anything that would compromise this God-ordained obligation.

That's why you cannot be a rebellious wife and do whatever you want to do. You must come under the authority of your husband according to the Word of God, lovingly submit, and carry out God's will for that family. This is the way God designed it to work. This is God's idea. This is God's plan. This is the way God designed it to work.

When Eve was deceived by the serpent, God didn't go looking for Eve. You know who God went looking for? Adam. Genesis 3 verse 7 says, "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. And the Lord God called unto (what?) Adam, and said unto Adam, Where are you?" … so forth and so on.

Now he knew that Eve messed up. But Adam was standing right next to Eve while the serpent was tempting Eve; and Adam didn't say a word. See, he was afraid to open his mouth. And I'll tell you why he was afraid to open his mouth. Because he had allowed his wife to usurp his position as head. And that's what happened. But that that did not relieve him of the responsibility that he had to God. He didn't go to Eve. He went looking for Adam.

In Genesis 2, once again, in verse 15 it says, "And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden to dress it and to keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." The Lord God took the man. He instructed Adam as how he wanted things ran in Adam's home, because Adam's home was the garden. It was the garden.

Verse 21 says, "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." See, God went he made Adam; and then he took from Adam a rib and he made a woman. And then God took the woman and presented the woman to Adam. This is what you would know was the first marriage. You call it holy matrimony. There was no one else to perform the wedding, so God himself performed the first marriage.

And God performs the marriage between a man and a woman: a man and a woman! This is God's economy: a man and a woman. This is God's design. He made a woman for Adam out of Adam and he brought her to him.

In Mark 10 in verse 7 it says, "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. See, that's what Jesus Christ said. He knew what happened in the garden. He knew how it was supposed to work, and he said, ‘When God joins it together let no man put asunder.'

This is the only marriage that God will recognize and bless. Now, I don't care if that hurts your feelings. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I'm telling you the truth. Nobody cares about God's feelings getting hurt. Nobody cares how the government makes rules that are contrary to God's Word. I had made mention that a father cannot marry his daughter on Thursday night.

Now that just sounds stupid, doesn't it? In our day and there's a law that says a father can't marry his daughter. Now you as a wife, and you have children, and he wants to take another wife. He says, "I want to marry our daughter." How would you feel? What does that do to the inside of you? No, think. Really, just think about it for a second. How would you like the church to justify that and perform the service. See, that seems odd to you.

You know why? Because the world has not reached that perverted stage yet. But to the same people that that seems odd to, it doesn't seem odd one bit that two men get married or two women get married, not for one bit. But I say to you, "A father should be able to marry his daughter," you go "Ewww." That's the way you should go when you hear two women want to get married or two men want to get married.

Do you see how it's been compromised? Because they have been pushing it and pushing it; and dumbing down America. And America is beginning to take this bait: hook, line, and sinker. And I use that example simply to show you how disgusting and wrong it is. And you see it with a father and a daughter; but you don't see it with two women; you don't see it with two men.

Where has the adversary gotten into your mind? I know how he's gotten into it: through the church of the media. Okay, that's why I tell you stay away from the media. The only marriage that God will recognize and bless is one between a man and a woman. And I don't care what the government says. And I don't care what any church says. And any minister who stands up, and puts his hands up like a hot shot, and he's going to put his hands on them, and he's going to give the blessing of God to those two people — is a minister of Satan.

I'm sorry. And if the truth hurts you; the only reason why it hurts you or the only reason why you think I'm offensive; is because somewhere along the line you have been compromised. And you have taken the garbage from the world. And I'm the one that looks nuts. They have put darkness for a light, and they have made light darkness. Any other union that the government or the church calls marriage is condemned by scripture and is the work of the God of this world: the devil.

God made man and woman for each other. That's it. I don't care what these high-class PhD idiots say. PhD pothole diggers — because that's what they do. They dig a pothole in front of someone walking around so they can fall.

It doesn't matter how long the man's been a clergyman. I don't care if it comes from the mouth of the Pope. Any union other than a man and a woman in marriage is condemned by scripture; and God will not bless sin. He says is he a God of sin now? He will not bless sin. And it would be a different story if there was nobody around and nobody knew the truth, but we know the truth. And they have suppressed the truth.

As long as a man and a woman worked within the boundaries that they were supposed to operate in, God could and would bless and protect them and the Lord would provide for them. Their union: their life was backed by the manufacturer who was backed by the creator.

A written guarantee was given to them: God's Word. When you have a warranty…

A warranty for a product is a written guarantee of the Integrity of the product and of the maker's responsibility for the repair or replacement of defective parts. That's what a warranty is. It's a representation that's given to you. You say, "Where's my warranty? I want to buy my car warranty. I want to buy my whole house warranty. I want to buy my dog warranty."

You get a warranty, okay? So when you go to the store and you buy something, you expect that to work according to what the manufacturer says it'll do. Take a screwdriver for instance. I just so happen to have one. This is a flat blade screwdriver, okay? It's meant to tighten or, in some case, loosen screws.

You got a screw loose in your head. This screwdriver I can take and put in the screw in that socket in the center and unscrew it and I can access the duplex in there and let Steve wire it. This screwdriver was designed to work a certain way and it was designed to work for a certain purpose. Do you know what that purpose is? It's tightening and loosening screws.

Now if I took this screwdriver and I needed to pry something, could I use a screwdriver to pry something? Yes. Was this is a screwdriver designed to do that? No, because if you do it too much it does what? It breaks a tip.

If I took this screwdriver, and I took a hammer, and I started to beat on it to move something or use it as a chisel; would it work? Maybe. But was this screwdriver designed to be a chisel? No. You see it's in plastic, right? How long do you think that that plastic is going to last when you're beating on it with a hammer? It'll last a while, trust me, because I've done it. But eventually you know what happens? You break it.

Let's say you're an electrician, God forbid, and you go into that 200 amp panel that Steve put in; and you take this and you start poking around in things you shouldn't be poking around with. And it starts to arc and burn and make all kinds of smoke.Was it made to do that? No. Could you do that with it? Yes.

You can't blame the manufacturer. You can't blame Sears Craftsmen (this is the name on the screwdriver) for when you misuse the screwdriver and calamity results (or in some cases, even death.)

You see, God designed Adam and Eve. As the first man and the first woman, he designed a marriage. And he says, "This is how it's supposed to work. And this is the way it works: you go with her, she goes with you. You be fruitful and multiply; everything's good. I'll take care of it." But man gets his filthy little hands involved. A man says, "I'm going to put two men together. I'm going to put two women together." And next it's going to be a beagle and a man.

You can't turn around and blame God for what will be the manifestation of that when they're trying to fake God's original creation. And that's what's happening. And that's why the world will never fix the problems of the world, because they are using the things of God for things and ways that they will never meant to be used and are operating it wrong. See? And that's why things get more chaotic, more confused, more problematic. Because they misused God's manufactured man and manufactured woman. He said this is the way you two need to work together." And he says, "If you do something different that's on you."

Now take the marriage. God gave the directions. Now, you read the directions when you buy something to see how it works, right? God gave the directions on how a marriage is supposed to work. Ephesians 5 says, "Women submit yourself unto your own husbands." The next verse says, "The husband is the head of the wife." That's the directions in a marriage. That is the way that marriage is supposed to work.

If you turn around and say, "I don't think it should work that way. I think I'm going to take this and stick it in the socket." Don't blame God; because you're not following directions. You've got a whole generation not following directions on marriage because they're listening to the devil (who's teaching it in our schools, and teaching it in the media, and teaching it to your stupid girlfriends you're having drinks with; telling you how you should run your marriage. Or how a woman should be a woman.

You want to know what? A woman should be a woman according to the Bible if you want God's blessings. If you don't God's blessings, go do whatever you want to do. God's okay with that. But don't come back all battered up and say, "It doesn't work. What's the matter with God? God did this…" No!

You know what else is remarkable? This screwdriver bears a name. It says "Craftsman". If you know anything about a Craftsman's tool, you'll know that a Craftsman's tool is guaranteed for life. You don't need a receipt. You can take any Craftsman's tool — now Lowes is honoring the warranty — and go to Lowes. It could be broke because you decided to stick it into a 440 circuit and melt it. But you know what they'll do? They'll take it. They'll say,"We can't fix this." They'll give you another one.

Or if you take it — a quarter inch drive ratchet, for instance — and put it on a Peterbilt and try to break a lug nut. When it strips the ratchet, they'll say, "We'll fix it." That's remarkable.

God's the same way. If you realize that you have been doing things and living your life contrary to the directions of the manufacturer, you know how wonderful God is? You just go back to the manufacturer. Just go back to the company and he'll take you in. He'll say, "Yeah, your ratchet's broke." or "Your lever's broke. I'm gonna put a new one in you." And you know what God always does? He always stands behind his products because you're his kid.

See that? And he'll always fix you. But in order to do that, you know what that requires from you? That requires you going back to the store, right? In other words, that means you need to be humble. You need to say, "Yeah, I haven't been following your directions. I've been doing it this way." And you know, you've got a black eye, you've got stitches, and you're walking with a limp.

And as soon as you walk into him, he says, "I know. I can see. Come on over here. Sit down. We'll take care of you." Right? Because he's a loving wonderful Heavenly Father. So let me ask you a question. When you, or when the world operates contrary to God's will, do they have the right to blame the manufacturer? Do they have the right to say, "God's Word is of no concern in this Congress?" (Because they want to do something contrary to what God's Word says.)

And no, it doesn't matter how many laws they make. It doesn't matter how many remedies they've got. You know who designed, formed, made, and created man and woman? God. And he gave us the rule book. He gave us the directions. And if you don't follow directions, I don't care what you do. It doesn't matter. It's not going to work, right? It'll never work, right? Because you're violating the directions. You're violating the laws of God, okay?

Now, can you limp around? Yeah. Can you put on a form of godliness? Yeah. You can do all those things. And some people are content to live their lives just like that. But I want to tell you something. Your life was never intended to be lived like that. Your life was intended to be the best. God intended to have the best for you.

But as long as you try to live your life and do things that you were never meant or never built to do; you're only going to hurt yourself. Likewise, God made Adam to work a certain way; and he made Eve to work a certain way. This is the way he built them. This is the way they came off of the conveyor belt.

And as long as Adam and Eve would follow the directions that God gave them for their life, their life was warranted by the Creator to work. And their life was warranted by the Creator that they would function and perform the way they were designed to function and perform. "I guarantee it: this will work that way." That's what God said.

Once Adam and Eve started to do things that they were never created to do — they were never built to do this…

(You can take your car and drive it into the Schuylkill, but your car was never meant to be a boat. Now you might float for a couple minutes, but you know what? You're going to go what? Sleep with the fish, like the Italians say.")

Okay. Once Adam and Eve started to do things that they were never created to do, chaos entered into the world. And you know what? As long as they continued in that course of action, it voided their warranty from the manufacturer because they were doing things and acting in ways that God never had intended them to do or act.

Could they go back and get forgiveness? Absolutely. But that's what happened. You cannot blame God for all the confusion and disorder in the world today. Man was never made to do the things that he does today; either was woman. A wife is to submit to her own husband, and if she does not; do not blame God for what happens in your marriage or in your family. Why? Because you are doing things as a wife that you were never built to do. You were never manufactured, you were never made to act that way. God said you were made to act this way. Same with a man. You can't use something for that which it was not made to do and expect it to produce optimal results.

Okay? God said the man is the head. That's it. If you want the blessing of God in your marriage then follow God's directions. And men, that means you need to grow a pair and rise up and be the men that God called you to be. And don't just, "Oh let her do it" or "Let her gather where…" No. If her way is contrary to the Word of God, you have not protected your house.

God said a man should work. So when you've got a healthy man who will not work and they find a misguided woman that provides for them, it's a recipe for disaster. It's a recipe for disaster. Look. The Bible said: "Adam," he said, "Adam, work the garden. And he said that to every man that has ever stepped foot on the face of the earth. If the man is healthy and he can work, you know what that man should do? He should work. If he doesn't work and he hooks up with a woman who wants to take care of him, they are operating contrary to the way they were made to work. And when you operate contrary to the manufacturer's directions, no good thing can come of it; and no lasting thing can come of it. Why? Because you're breaking the Word. You're doing things that a man or a woman was never meant to do.

Man was built to work. And if he's healthy and he refuses to work, he's doing something he was never designed to do; and sooner or later it's going to catch up with him. And any government or program who gives away money, or food, or houses, etc. to men or to women who are actually healthy and can work, is a direct conflict with God's Word. And therefore that program cannot and will not be blessed by the Creator.

Now those programs exist for people on hard times, and they should be there for people on hard times. But you know and I know there are a lot of deadbeats on those programs who drive around in Lincoln Continentals and they don't deserve it. Man was built to work, and when he begins to do things that he was not built to do, sooner or later he's going to break or become enslaved.

Did you ever heard Dr Tony Evans? He's a wonderful man of God; wonderful man of God. And I heard him tell a story one time about a pig farmer, and this is what he said. He said a pig farmer went to a market to sell all his pigs and the owner of the market said, "How in the world did you get all these pigs? I've never seen somebody — one farmer — with all these pigs. He said, "It was easy." "If It was easy, I wish you'd tell me. I'd like to get some pigs like this."

"And so I'll tell you. That's all you got to do is just… I go out every morning I set out food and I put up a sign. It says, ‘free food.' The pigs walked by, they look, ‘free food'." He says, "Next time goes by, I put the same sign up. I put more food out. They bring their friends. This is free food. Now while they're eating the free food, I'm out there in the west gate and I'm building me a fence. Next day goes by, lo and behold there's more pigs. I put more food out. Then I'm in the East gate and I'm building me an east gate fence. Next day goes by, they bring their friends and they start to bring their parents; and I got a whole bunch of smorgasbord going on now and they're eating a lot of food. And they're happy as a pig in you know what; and I'm building me the South fence — and nobody knows it. You know why? Because they're eating their free food."

"So this goes on for a couple weeks and I keep doing it and then I go to build the north fence (but I only build the north fence — I only build half of that, because I don't want nobody to know. And then, before you know it, I got the whole neighborhood of pigs in my fence: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, children, pregnant ones… and I finally put the last gate in. And then you know what the pigs do? They begin to squeal, because you know why. Just because I got them now. You know how I got them? Becaue I gave them free food."

"And now I take them to the market. and you know what the market's going to do with them pigs? They're going to butcher them." See? And that's exactly what happens with a government that gives away free food; because the little piggies aren't smart enough to think for themselves. And when they see the sign, and they see the free food, and they go run up, and they're eating, and they're real happy; they are oblivious. They don't have a clue what's going on around them until it's too late — until it's too late.

Man was never designed to be given free food, to be given this, to be given that. Man was designed to what? Work. Now don't get me wrong. If you've fallen on hard times physically, mentally, monetarily: that's why those programs should be there. But they should be there, not to become your new home; they should be there as a stepping stone to get you out of the hole that you're in; and get you back to the original intent of the Creator; which is to what? Four letter word: work.

Man was designed to work. And when you, or the government, or the welfare programs take that away from man and tell them that they're going to show them a better way; that the government or the program is going to become their sufficiency. Then that government and that program is in direct opposition to God's design for man. And sooner or later, man will pay the price.

Government will never fix what's wrong with this world by giving things away; making Little pigs out of people who were designed to work and reflect their Creator's image. And any party or candidate who does not support marriage; as defined by God and God alone — and that includes the adulterous Church who is in direct opposition to God and his Word — you must vote no against that party November 8th. They are against your Father, and you must fight for your family by voting "no."

Any candidate or party who supports the LBGTQ… XYZ movement and the placing of detestable and vile literature in our schools to promote their hatred and rebellion against our heavenly father; is in direct contradiction to God and his Word. And therefore you must side with God and vote "No" on that party.

Nehemiah 4:14 b says, "… Be not afraid of them. Remember the Lord which is great and terrible and fight for your brethren; fight for your sons; fight for your daughters; fight for your wives; and fight for your houses." And the way you fight is by voting God's way.

And men need to grow up to be men of God. They need to work hard. And when they become a father, they need to guard their families and protect their homes and provide for it. They need to love their wives; care and provide for them. And men need to respond to the call that God has placed upon your life and fulfill that calling.

And women, if you're single, be the woman of God that God called you to be. And go forth and bless and serve him. And if you become married, submit yourself under your own husband and work together to glorify God in your lives together.

And finally, in closing, Colossians 3:17 says, "And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the father by him. Let's pray. Lord, thank you for your Word and thank you for your original design and that we can work the way you made us to work. And when we're broke and we need to be repaired, we go right back to the manufacturer because he's the one that knows how best to fix us.

Thank you that we can stay screwed down on your Word; and we can love you and be men and women of integrity and stand up for the truth and accuracy of your Word. And thank you, Father, as we approach this voting term coming up, that we can vote according to your Word and not according to our stupid parties. That you mean more to us than our parties mean to us father — whether it's Democrat, Republican, or Independent — it means nothing. What means more to us is the name of Jesus Christ and that we will be rewarded for our stand in doing so. And it's in his precious name we pray. Amen.

Note: All scripture is from the King James Version unless otherwise noted. NIV indicates The New International Version, NKJV indicates the New King James Version, ASV means the American Standard Version, BBE means the Bible in Basic English, DBY means the Darby translation,  NAU means the American Standard Version, 1995 Edition, and NAB means the New American Bible translation. For more information, go to the Works Cited page.
Chapter & Verse Ministry * 1019 S. Park Avenue * Audubon * PA * 19403-2037
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This page was last updated 05/03/2024 by Lynn Hadley