Chapter and Verse Ministry

#1040 God's Team

by Reverend Nicholas A. Catania

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In 1040 God's Team, Reverend Catania shows us that we are on God's Team, not Republicans or Democrats. As people get all worked up over elections, we do our due diligence and check out where the candidates stand on godly principles. Just like referees in a game, we use the Bible as our rule book and don't get caught up in the emotions of our favorite team. In the end, we are on God's team.

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1040 God's Team

Miss Tina, I had mentioned earlier I wanted to talk to you about being on God's team this morning. And you can take your bibles if you would and go to Leviticus chapter 18. I want to talk to you about God's team with respect to the elections coming up; and how you should function as a Christian; and how you should think and act as a Christian with regards to this. Midterm elections are coming up November 8th. And already the media is ramping up their presence by selling advertising slots to whoever will buy them.

So you can't deny to sell to a Republican or a Democrat on your particular station. It's the law. And both Republicans and Democrats have bought key slots at key Republican and Democratic time periods to get their message across. Fox News is known as a conservative station (quote unquote) and there's many Democratic ads ran there. Likewise, other Democratic stations, Republicans target they can get their message across.

It's amazing to see some of these ads and just what the political analysts decided to target to destroy so that their particular party could win. Pennsylvania, in the senate race, you have Dr Oz running against Fetterman and you have different ads for both of them. Dr. Oz is putting things out like Fetterman's weak on crime, he wants to release more violent prisoners into our society, how he endorses safe drug injection sites for heroin addicts, and the like. That's in the senate race.

And then you got the governor's seat up for grabs also. You've got Shapiro and Mastriano. Mastriano is asking for tougher laws, and DA's that will hold them laws and enforce them, raise the bail, and more money for the police. Now both the Democrats and the Republicans are running ads.

Some of the ads that the Democrats are running, specifically Fetterman and Shapiro. He says if a Republican gets elected, the nation will suffer. One particular ad I saw Fetterman run against Dr. Oz was that Dr. Oz was pro-life. See, and that's in itself a scary ad; because that's a good thing to be pro-life. But he's appealing to a group of people. And what they decided to appeal to is that what they're going to use against this man is that he's pro-life: things like If he's elected he will overturn the abortion law here; and with the help of Republicans he will outlaw abortion in the country.

One of the ads I saw was that he would make women go through intrusive, evasive ultrasound tests if they got pregnant. Fetterman, on the other hand, says it's a woman's right to make her own health decisions — and it's sacred and non-negotiable (except when it comes to Covid). Okay? Because you have to get the needle or you lose your job.

Shapiro supports changing the rules to allow the Board of Pardons to approve commutation for a life sentence by a simple majority. Mariano — he's taken a "tough on crime" approach. Telling supporters that he favors harsher penalties and for people that are convicted of violent crimes.

You should go online every single one of you; and you should type in ‘where do the candidates stand' on these issues. And you will be able to read for yourself where they stand. And in the the presentation of where they stand, they will give you the documentation of where those statements came from. You should be educated.

Mastriano (these again are ads that are trying to get him to look bad) and Shapiro ads (that are trying to get him to look bad) memes they're posting against each other. He voted for a bill that would ban instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation in early elementary classrooms. So, they're saying he's against that and they gave a quote of a tweet that he likened the LGBTQ inclusive education to grooming.

Shapiro's campaign spokesman Bonder (Manual Bonder) responded to the question about the attorney general's stance on the instruction ban bill: saying that legislation needs to stop wasting time and taxpayers' dollars on the attempt to bully the LGBTQ Pennsylvanians. So he's on one side; Mastriano's on the other side.

Mastriano said in a 2018 radio interview that same-sex marriage should not be legal; and that he favors traditional marriage. He also said, "And I'm not a hater for that. It's been that way for the last six thousand years." Shapiro and other officials offered marriage licenses to same-sex couples in 2013 when he was chair of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners. That move defied what then was state law. In other words, by the law he wasn't allowed to do that but he did it anyway. See, now there's just some background. You can read more for yourself.

As a Christian, who claims the name of Jesus Christ, you can see when it comes to political voting and parties and ideas: we have a clear problem. You're in Leviticus 18:22. The Bible teaches clearly what is right in God's eyes and what is wrong. Verse 18:22 says, "Thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 20 verse 13 says, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

In Deuteronomy 22 verse 5 says,"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garments: for all that do so are an abomination unto the Lord thy God."Okay? Today they call it "cross-dressing." In God's day, he called it "abomination". and when you read these things, and you teach these things, you know what it does to people? That gets them mad, and they say things like "You're a hater." Or, if they're in the church, they'll use more biblical terms like ‘not loving', this sort of thing. And then, you know what people do? They dig themselves in.

And when it comes to politics, they choose their party's position. And the problem is many Christians do that too. They choose their party's position. They're too lazy (and really that's what it boils down to in many cases). They're too lazy to go online and look up for themselves and make their own decision who more closely aligns with the God of the Bible. They'd rather choose their own party's position.

And so Fetterman says, "Oz is going one way — that is too extreme for Pennsylvania." And Oz says, "Fetterman is going in one direction (the opposite direction) that is too extreme for PA." So you got two candidates going in two opposite directions, both saying that the other is too extreme for PA.

On March 5th 2004 at the Wachovia Center, the home arena of the Philadelphia Flyers, between a regular season game (the Flyers and the Ottawa Senators) a brawl resulted from someone checking someone behind the net. (Like Miss Tina did to Stevie almost; but no brawls here.)

When all was said and done, the Philadelphia Flyers and the Ottawa Senators managed to break the League's record. In all, 419 minutes were assessed; passing the previous NHL record of 406 minutes. The 213 minutes assessed to the Philadelphia was also a record; as was the number of penalty minutes in the third period. Philadelphia did win, by the way. The score was five to three. And that's what happens. People get passionate about their sports and about their politics.

Did you ever think about ice hockey? Ice hockey, like no other sport, equips the players to kill the other players. They all got a stick, right? They're all padded up; they've got helmets (because they know ice hockey). Above any other sport, when you go to see a hockey game you know you're going to see what? A fight. And there are certain members of ice hockey teams that are designated as the enforcers. And you know what their jobs are? Their jobs are to start the fights and settle things. They call the enforcers out and put them on the ice, okay?

You've got two teams on the ice and they're both trying to win for their team. They have to score in order to do this; but in order to do this they've got to head in the opposite direction. See, the Flyers have to move towards the Senator's goal; and the Senators have to move towards the Flyers goal in order to win the game.

Both of these teams have one thing in mind and that is to win no matter the cost. That's why they're there. They're both well groomed. They're both professional. They're both equipped. They both have a forcible presence on the ice. And depending on which side of the stadium you sit, they come with a load of fans that back them up.

And then you have some savory characters on both sides who will stop at nothing to secure a win for their team. Sounds like politics. But the NHL has something at One Manhattan West, New York called the NHL headquarters. And the NHL headquarters sets and reviews the rules in order to enforce the game. And there's another presence on the ice besides the players of the two teams. They are called a referee.

They stand out and they can be recognized by their black and white jerseys. Now the referees are impartial to any team and they're only there for one reason. They are there to call the game according to the NHL protocol. They are there to enforce and call the game to the NHL rule book. And that's all they care about: is what does the book say. They don't pick sides. They obey the rules: the words of the NHL, period. They don't side with their favorite team. They stand only for and on the NHL word. (Go to the Book of Joshua, chapter 5, please.)

And like an ice hockey game, politics is very similar. Because you got two opposing teams. Many times they hate each other. And those of you that follow ice hockey know that when the Flyers play certain teams in Canada, there's going to be a bloodbath because they hate each other for years. And as soon as the whistle blows, within the first two minutes there it goes. The gloves are off. The helmets are off and they're fighting. This is the way it is with the Democrats and the Republicans. They've got their agenda and they want to move that agenda; and they're moving in this way. And the others got their agenda and they're moving in the opposite direction and both are saying of each other, "The other is too extreme for us."

This can be confusing as a Christian, especially if you have some interest in politics. In Joshua chapter 5 and verse 13, it says, "And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and he looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and he said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries." See, this is what Joshua saw; and Joshua's conquering the promised land and he wants to know, ‘are you on our side or are you on the side of the adversary?'

So Joshua can think appropriately and plan appropriately, because Joshua was a military leader. See? And the man said unto him (verse 14). Nay. "Nay but as a captain of the host of the Lord am I now (what?) come…" Come on, I'm on nobody's side.

Other translations read, "Neither. I'm not here for that." ‘I'm not here to pick your side. I'm not here to pick your side. I'm here as a captain of the host of the (what?) Lord. I'm on (whose side?) God's side.' God's side. You see, just because you named the name of Christ in our day and time doesn't mean that you're right. Just because you named the name of Jehovah in that day and time didn't mean you were right either. Because if you read the record in the Book of Joshua you'll see where one of the guys messed up big time and had people killed in battle. Aiken (I think his name was), but they had the name of the Lord. They had the tabernacle. They had the ark. But you know what? They still got their butt kicked because they weren't walking on the Word.

Simply naming the Word and walking on the Word are two different things. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican when it comes to this. He said "I'm for (who?) God. I'm for God. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said what has the Lord to say unto his servant?" Now that would be a great day and time if our political leaders would do the same. Who you for? You for the Republicans? You for the Democrats?

I ain't for nobody. I'm here the name of the Lord of hosts. And what would the Lord have us do? Both Republicans and Democrats fall on their face. What a day that would be, right? Yeah well you see, Joshua wanted to know if the angel was on his side.

With an angel, later on you'll see that. The angel said unto him, "I'm not here to pick sides. I'm here as captain of The Lord of hosts. I don't represent you and I don't represent Jericho. I represent a higher authority I only answer and obey God." That's what he was saying.

But you see, that's what your party wants you to do this November. They want you to pick sides. And they want you to know that there's only two possible sides you could pick: red or blue. But there's a third answer. There's a third option, which is always the most important option: and that's the Lord God Almighty. You're not here to pick sides, you're here to vote according to God's rules and the Word of God is the referee. The Word of God is the discerner which will enable you to make a proper decision.

You don't vote because it's your party. You vote because it's your God-given right and your responsibility to vote God's. Whose side are you on? My side or… No I'm here for the Lord of hosts. You've got to be on God's side. Because as soon as you approach the voting place, they will be swarming around you, handing out pamphlets, asking you to be on their side.

See? Joshua asked, "Art thou for us or for our adversaries?" Listen to the New International of Joshua 5:14. Here's the answer to that question, "Art thou for us or for our adversaries?" "'Neither,' he replied, neither 'but as a commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.' (He represents God.) Joshua fell on his face to the ground in reverence, and asked him, 'What message does my Lord have for his servant?'" What did Joshua do? What's it say? He fell what? in reverence. In our day and time. he took a knee.

Joshua took a knee because he'd recognized the authority before him, and he bowed himself to the Lord. Today people take a knee to just about everything else but the Lord; especially athletes. They take a knee to show their support and allegiance to whatever cause they happen to be promoting at that time. But Joshua was different.

Now remember who Joshua is. He's running things. He's the boss, Nobody higher than Joshua on the face of the Earth in God's sight. Moses had died. He's the boss; and not only that — Joshua is a kick-ass boss. He's a military man. He knows how to kill. He knows how to go into battle. He knows how to fight. Okay? He has many deaths under his belt; notches on his coat, see? And yet, being the head man; being the boss: you know what he did? He took a knee before God.

He prostrated himself before God because he knew that if he was going to do what the Lord wanted done, he needed God. And he needed to be in fellowship and obedience to God. Joshua took a knee to show his allegiance to his God above anything else. And then God gave him the victory because Joshua chose God.

Colossians chapter 3 verse 15. "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which also you are called in one body; and be ye (what?) thankful." Let the peace of God rule; rule. This word "rule" in the Greek is only used one time in the Bible according to Strong's. And it means "Let the peace of God umpire; let it referee."

It's a word which means "to decide, to rule. or to set straight, or to control." To control. Did you ever see the referees in a hockey game break up the fights, especially when you got a brawl? They got to get right in there in the midst of them. And for the most part. nobody touches a referee. They're off limits. I mean these two could be banging and banging and banging. A referee gets in there and he's got… he's got one hand here, and one hand here. Now this guy over here is 300 pounds. this guy's 260. This referee is 110. And you know what he's doing? Like this. And you know what? He's keeping them apart.

Why is that? Because he's the boss. He represents who? The NHL, right? And they then: this guy knows and this guy. This Republican knows and so does this Democrat that if they screw with that guy, game over, see? The Bible says, "Let the peace of God rule in your heart. Second Peter 1:2 says, "Peace is multiplied unto us through the knowledge of God." So as we know God's Word, we're able to let the peace of God umpire in our hearts to what is right and to what is wrong with regards to voting.

And let me tell you this, not voting is a sin. You've got to vote. And you are educated Christians. You know what God's Word says. You know what God's will is, okay? And if you have a question on God's will with regards to abortion, with regards to homosexuality, with regards to gay marriage, transgender; all that other stuff — you just ask me and I'll show you from the Bible what God's Word is on that.

So when you go to vote, see you got to remember whose team you're on. God's Word teaches very simply about certain topics. Okay, I'm not picking on any particular topic. I'm just telling you he teaches us very simply about topics. He teaches about lying, he teaches about adultery, he teaches about stealing: he teaches about all kinds of stuff. When you go to vote, you make sure you go ahead of time like I did and look up those candidates. Look up their positions. They'll tell you one after another: this guy stands for this, this guy… and then vote the best biblical way you can.

if you are a committed Christian, listen to me, because this is how ungodly people get into office by the Christian vote. They're not committed Christians. They don't have a Godly worldview. They have a Godly worldview when they're in church on Sunday, so they can feel good about themselves. But when they leave Sunday afternoon, they go back right into the world and have a political worldview. Or they have a world world view; or a woke world view.

If you are a committed Christian and you love God, okay? You want to vote God's way. You don't want to vote against God. Anything you do against God is a bad decision. Can we agree on that? Forget about Fetterman. Forget about Oz. It's bigger than that. If you want his will to be done in earth as it is in heaven, then you want to try to get men and women (regardless whether they're red, or they're blue, or they're in between) into office who will stand and represent God's heart the best they can. And if they get in office and they don't represent God's heart the best they can, you've got a chance to vote them out of office next time around because they're liars. And God's Word talks about liars too, right?

It's not like any of us can just walk into the White House and do whatever. This is what we've been tasked to do. So if every church would teach what I'm teaching today, and if every Christian would vote God's worldview: God's heart; the world would be a better place. Anybody disagree with that?

See and it doesn't matter if you register yourself as a Republican or a Democrat. It doesn't matter. What matters is what the angel said. "I'm not for neither. I'm here to represent the Lord of hosts." And if you're a child of the Kingdom, guess what. So are you, if you're a committed child. Remember I told you about those referees and the fight that took place? Well, a lot of the fights take place over goals. There was one particular game; very famous hockey player (his name leaves me) at the time — this maybe 20 minutes 20 seconds of the game, he hits Phil Esposito, I think. Is he a hockey player? Phil Esposito hit a puck… incredible; just no way it was going right in. And this guy who was playing goalie somehow blocked it, which was an even more incredible feat.

So you know what Esposito does? He takes his stick — no listen! I give the man credit. He breaks it on the ice, says some expletives, and goes to the locker room. You know what the rest of the players on the play field do? They get in a big fight. Okay? Because the referee said, "No good."

What if the referee that was standing at the net took off his shirt and it had the opposing team's Jersey on underneath of it? What kind of a referee would he be? Bad, right? Some people would even call him a traitor. Yeah, and then he would be what? Beat up, right?

Well, let me ask you a question. Because he would be partnering with that particular team that was the enemy, right? Don't wear the devil's jersey under your shirt; and at the last minute pull off your shirt and partner with the devil and vote against God. Because then you're a traitor. Choose God's side. And the only way you're going to do that is to know the word. Get yourself educated on where the candidates stand. Go online. type in "where do the candidates stand?" and you'll get more information than you could ever possibly want. And then simply vote God.

Note: All scripture is from the King James Version unless otherwise noted. NIV indicates The New International Version, NKJV indicates the New King James Version, ASV means the American Standard Version, BBE means the Bible in Basic English, DBY means the Darby translation,  NAU means the American Standard Version, 1995 Edition, and NAB means the New American Bible translation. For more information, go to the Works Cited page.
Chapter & Verse Ministry * 1019 S. Park Avenue * Audubon * PA * 19403-2037
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This page was last updated 05/04/2024 by Lynn Hadley