Chapter and Verse Ministry

FAQs:    Here is a summary of our beliefs and some answers to frequently asked questions:

Our Beliefs in brief: We believe that God created the heavens and the Earth.  God also formed, made and created man to have dominion and rule on the Earth.  The fall of man caused sin and death to enter into the world and man lost the dominion he was given.

God worked in men and women throughout the old Testament and promised that his people would inherit land on this Earth.  God also promised that a king would reign and that the government would rest on his shoulders and that he would be a righteous ruler.  We believe that this man is the lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God.  He was born of a woman and God is his father.  Jesus is a man that walked this Earth and manifested the power of God by speaking the truth, healing the sick and raising the dead to life.  Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried; and after three days and three nights he was raised as the first fruit from the dead to die no more.  After his resurrection he instructed his followers to wait and receive the promise of the Father, which is power from on high, the gift of holy spirit.  We believe that men and women can walk in this power today and manifest this gift from God, which is Christ in you.  This is where the term Christian came from.  We can speak the truth and do the works of Jesus Christ.

We believe that those who have died are asleep awaiting a future resurrection.  We believe that Jesus will appear in the clouds and gather those who are dead in Christ and those who are alive in Christ.  We believe that Christ will then return with his saints and begin to set up the kingdom of God on the Earth.

We believe that this is all recorded in the Bible "The Word of God."  We believe that God authored the Bible.  And that with study of the scripture, and common sense we can understand and put together the truth of God's Word. 


  1. How do I get born again?  Is there a scriptural basis for this?

    Whether we refer to the term "born again" as being saved, being born again, or being made whole; we mean essentially the same thing.  The born again person has spirit within by means of God's undeserved, divine favor (also called grace).  This spirit is evidenced in nine ways through the manifestations (also translated "gifts") of the spirit.  Romans 10:9 and 10 have long been accepted as the foundational scriptures of salvation.   

    10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10:10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    Salvation cannot be won or lost by good works.  Nonetheless, we can loose our good rewards by failing to keep Jesus Christ Lord in our works.

  2. Who is God?

    God is our loving heavenly father who so loved the world that he gave the ultimate sacrifice – his only begotten son.  God is the Holy Spirit because he is holy and spirit.  He has given us as believers the gift of holy spirit with its nine evidences, or manifestations, so that we can minister to others in our day and time.

  3. Who is Jesus Christ?

    He is our brother, the lamb of God, the second Adam and the first fruits of eternal life.  He willingly laid down his life for you and me so that our salvation would be complete in him.  Born with incorruptible seed, our faithful brother earned his place as our mediator with our heavenly father.

  4. Who is my brother?

    Not only is Jesus Christ my brother, but so is any man or woman who confesses Jesus Christ as Lord, believes God raised him from the dead, thereby becoming born-again.  It is one lord, one body, one baptism and one faith.

  5. What is my purpose in life?

    To love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and my neighbor as myself.  To fulfill my commitment of Romans 10:9 + 10, keeping Jesus Lord and believing God raised him from the dead. I don’t get tricked or sidetracked on my fundamental goals because I have my eyes on the hope of Christ’s return.  I love my neighbor by spiritually intervening for him in prayer, witnessing to the unsaved and ministering to the saved. I love myself by claiming my sonship rights and by holding God's standards as my standards in righteous living.

Chapter & Verse Ministry * 1019 S. Park Avenue * Audubon * PA * 19403-2037
*Email us at or call us at (610) 574-1727.

This page was last updated 07/16/2023 by Lynn Hadley