Older Teachings
These teachings are
now available by CD only right now.
Active podcasts are linked
in green. You can click on them to listen to a teaching for free. I will
add podcasts in the future as people lend CDs to me to add to the list.
Otherwise, weekly teaching CDs are available by subscription at a suggested
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#262 The Abundant Life, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#263 The Abundant Life, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#264 The Abundant Life, Part 3 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#265 The Abundant Life, Part 4 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#266 The Abundant Life, Part 5 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#267 World View - Nicholas A. Catania
#268 Sanctification, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#270 Sanctification, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#272 Sanctification, Part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
John Chapter 3, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
John Chapter 3, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
John Chapter 3, Part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#285 Holy Hands
- Nicholas A. Catania
#289 Attributes of the Millennial Kingdom, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#290 Attributes of the Millennial Kingdom, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#291 Attributes of the Millennial Kingdom, Part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#292 Attributes of the Millennial Kingdom, Part 4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#293 Attributes of the Millennial Kingdom, Part 5
- Nicholas A. Catania
#296 Repent and Believe - Nicholas A. Catania
#297 Jesus the Christ
- Nicholas A. Catania
#298 Don't Glorify the Devil
- Nicholas A. Catania
#299 Diminishing Age of Salvation -
Nicholas A. Catania
#300 Giving - Nicholas A. Catania
#301 The Soul of Man, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#302 The Soul of Man, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#303 The Soul of Man, Part 3 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#304 Everlasting Life - Nicholas A. Catania
#305 In His Image
- Nicholas A. Catania
#306 The Fires of Gehenna, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#307 The Fires of Gehenna, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#308 Final Destiny - Nicholas A. Catania
#309 Galatians 3:1-2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#310 Galatians 3:3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#311 Galatians 3:4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#312 Galatians 3:6 - Nicholas A. Catania
#313 Seated on the Right Hand
- Nicholas A. Catania
#314 Mother's Day 2007 - Nicholas A. Catania
#315 Unequally Yoked
- Nicholas A. Catania
#317 Don't Compromise Christ -
Nicholas A. Catania
#318 Compassion or Critical -
Nicholas A. Catania
#319 Obey God - Nicholas A. Catania
#320 The Way of Salvation, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#321 The Way of Salvation, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#322 Things to Come - Nicholas A. Catania
#323 The Lord's Day, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#324 The Lord's Day, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#325 The Christian Hope - Nicholas A. Catania
#326 Israel's Hope, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#327 Israel's Hope, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#328 The Tithe - Nicholas A. Catania
#330 Let Your Light Shine, Part 1 -
- Nicholas A. Catania
#331 Let Your Light Shine, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#332 God's Blue Light Special -
Nicholas A. Catania
#333 Typology (Jesus and Moses) -
Nicholas A. Catania
#334 What is a Friend? - Nicholas A. Catania
#335 The Concealed Kingdom, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#336 The Concealed Kingdom, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#337 The Concealed Kingdom, How he works, then and now, Part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#338 The Concealed Kingdom, The Serpent of Genesis 3, Part 4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#339 Introduction Into Administrations
- Nicholas A. Catania
#340 Conditional Prophecy - Nicholas A. Catania
#341 Shut Up For Jesus
- Nicholas A. Catania
#343 Changed From Within - Nicholas A. Catania
#345 Watch Our Tongue
- Nicholas A. Catania
#346 Exposing the Enemy Series, The Believer's Mind, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#347 Exposing the Enemy Series, Satan's Purpose, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#349 Exposing the Enemy Series, The Believer's Defense, Part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#350 Exposing the Enemy Series, Spiritual Will Power, Part 4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#351 Exposing the Enemy Series, Grace or Government, Part 5
- Nicholas A. Catania
#352 Exposing the Enemy Series, Spiritual Paralysis, Part 6
- Nicholas A. Catania
#353 Slothfulness - Nicholas A. Catania
#354 Satan in the Home
- Nicholas A. Catania
#355 Pre-Millennialists - Nicholas A. Catania
#356 Error of Balaam, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#357 Error of Balaam, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#358 Jesus Christ Our Passover, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#359 Jesus Christ Our Passover, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#360 Acknowledge God - Steven Kurcik
#361 God's 9-1-1
- Lynn Hadley
#362 Delivered From the Wrath - Nicholas A. Catania
#363 The Judgment seat of Christ, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#364 The Judgment seat of Christ, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#365 The Judgment seat of Christ, Part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#366 The Judgment seat of Christ, Part 4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#367 The Judgment seat of Christ, Part 5
- Nicholas A. Catania
#369 God's Call to Holiness -
Nicholas A. Catania
#370 Our Call to Holiness - Nicholas A. Catania
#371 Elders, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#372 Elders, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#373 Elders, Part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#374 Elders, Part 4 - Nicholas A. Catania
#375 Elders, Part
5 - Nicholas A. Catania
#376 Fruit of the Spirit - Nicholas A. Catania
#377 A Balanced Life
- Nicholas A. Catania
#378 I Corinthians 1, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#379 I Corinthians 1, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#380 I Corinthians 1, Part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#381 I Corinthians 1, Part 4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#382 I Corinthians 1, Part 5 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#383 I Corinthians 1, Part 6 - Nicholas A. Catania
#384 I Corinthians 1, Part 7
- Nicholas A. Catania
#385 I Corinthians 1, Part 8 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#386 I Corinthians 1, Part 9 - Nicholas A. Catania
#387 God's Bail Out Plan
- Nicholas A. Catania
#388 The Mystery of Iniquity, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#389 The Mystery of Iniquity, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#390 Repair the Breach - Nicholas A. Catania
#392 The Bread of Life
- Nicholas A. Catania
#393 God's Calling - Nicholas A. Catania
#394 Joy of Returning
- Nicholas A. Catania
#395 To tell the Truth - Nicholas A. Catania
#397 The Crosswalk
- Nicholas A. Catania
#398 The Marriage Covenant, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#399 The Marriage Covenant, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#400 The Marriage Covenant, Part 3 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#401 The Marriage Covenant, Part 4 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#402 The Valley of Megiddo - Nicholas A. Catania
#403 Exodus (Chapters 1 - 3)
- Nicholas A. Catania
#404 Exodus (Chapters 4 - 6) -
Nicholas A. Catania
#405 Exodus (Chapter 6) - Nicholas A. Catania
#407 Stand for Your Life
- Nicholas A. Catania
#408 Witness of the Resurrection -
Nicholas A. Catania
#409 Be Sober, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#410 Be Sober, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#411 In my Name - Nicholas A. Catania
#413 Useful Knowledge
- Nicholas A. Catania
#414 Jesus Christ our Passover, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#415 Jesus Christ our Passover, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#416 Jesus Christ our Passover, Part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#417 Jesus Christ our Passover, Part 4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#418 Jesus Christ our Passover, Part 5
- Nicholas A. Catania
#420 Living the Word - Nicholas A. Catania
#421 Standing Fast on God's Word
- Nicholas A. Catania
#422 You are God's Masterpieces -
Nicholas A. Catania
#423 The Priesthood of the Believer, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#424 The Priesthood of the Believer, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#425 The Stronghold Series, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#426 The Stronghold Series, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#427 The Stronghold Series, Part 3 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#428 The Stronghold Series, Part 4 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#429 The Stronghold Series, Part 5 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#430 The Stronghold Series, Part 6 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#431 The Stronghold Series, Part 7 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#432 The Stronghold Series, Part 8 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#433 The Stronghold Series, Part 9 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#434 The Stronghold Series, Part 10 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#436 Action Precedes Results - Nicholas A. Catania
#437 Living The Truth
- Nicholas A. Catania
#438 Doers of the Word - Nicholas A. Catania
#439 A Godly Home
- Nicholas A. Catania
#440 Fear - Nicholas A. Catania
#441 Divine Exchange
- Nicholas A. Catania
#443 Witchcraft - Nicholas A. Catania
#444 The Curse of the Law
- Nicholas A. Catania
#445 Doubt - Nicholas A. Catania
#447 The Church's Hope, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#448 The Church's Hope, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#449 The Church's Hope, Part 3 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#450 The Church's Hope, Part 4 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#451 The Watchman, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#452 The Watchman, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#453 Adultery - Nicholas A. Catania
#454 Spiritual Warfare, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#455 Spiritual Warfare, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#455 Healing -
Nicholas A. Catania
#457 A Matter of Obedience - Nicholas A. Catania
#458 An Act of Obedience
- Nicholas A. Catania
#459 Healing in Redemption - Nicholas A. Catania
#460 Barriers in Healing, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#461 Barriers in Healing, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#463 Communion 2010 - Nicholas A. Catania
#465 Salvation: The Whole Package
- Nicholas A. Catania
#466 Needs and Wants Parallel
- Nicholas A. Catania
#467 A Cheerful Giver, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#468 A Cheerful Giver, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#469 A Cheerful Giver, Part 3 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#470 A Cheerful Giver, Part 4 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#471 A Cheerful Giver, Part 5 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#475 Don't Judge Me - Nicholas A. Catania
#476 Parasitic Drain, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#477 Parasitic Drain, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#478 A Godly Servant - Nicholas A. Catania
#479 Courage Under Fire -
Brent Gerhart
#481 Making Godly Choices, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#482 Making Godly Choices, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#484 Our Need For Ongoing Obedience -
Nicholas A. Catania
#485 The Government of God - Nicholas A. Catania
#485a Job, Part 1
- Jonathan Carter
#485b Job, Part 2
- Jonathan Carter
#486 Walking in the Light - Nicholas A. Catania
#487 Hezekiah, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#488 Hezekiah, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#489 Hezekiah, Part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#490 Faint not - Nicholas A. Catania
#491 Hezekiah, Part 4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#492 Hezekiah, Part 5 - Nicholas A. Catania
#493 Hezekiah, Part 6
- Nicholas A. Catania
#494 God's Ownership, Our Stewardship
- Nicholas A. Catania
#495 The Stewardship of Life -
Nicholas A. Catania
#496 A Godly Relationship - Nicholas A. Catania
#497 Melchizedek
- Nicholas A. Catania
#500 Seven Ascents of Moses, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#501 Seven Ascents of Moses, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#502 Joshua, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#503 Joshua, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#504 Joshua, Part 3- Nicholas A. Catania
#505 Joshua, Part 4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#506 A Generous Soul - Nicholas A. Catania
#507 Stay Your Course
- Nicholas A. Catania
#508 Jeroboam's Choice, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#509 Jeroboam's Choice, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#510 A Man after God's Own Heart -
Nicholas A. Catania
#511 Pseudo Love (Remember who you are)
- Nicholas A. Catania
#512 The Love of God - Nicholas A. Catania
#514 Daniel Chapter 5, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#515 Daniel Chapter 5, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#516 The Queen of Sheba - Nicholas A. Catania
#517 Judges, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#518 Judges, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#519 Judges, Part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#520 Samuel - Nicholas A. Catania
#521 The Life of a Servant
- Nicholas A. Catania
#522 Fourth of July 2011, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#523 Fourth of July 2011, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#524 Pentecost 2011 - Nicholas A. Catania
#525 Fear
- Nicholas A. Catania
#526 What is in an Offering - Nicholas A. Catania
#529 The Knowledge of God
- Nicholas A. Catania
#530 Building Blocks of God's Word
- Nicholas A. Catania
#532 The Way of Life or Death, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#533 The Way of Life or Death, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#534 Time for God - Nicholas A. Catania
Don't Blame God, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
Don't Blame God, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#538 To Forgive, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#539 To Forgive, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#540 The Anatomy of Anger, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#541 The Anatomy of Anger, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#542 Fear vs Awe - Brent Gearhart
#543 God's Blueprint for Marriage
- Nicholas A. Catania
#544 The First Wedding - Nicholas A. Catania
#545 Cleave to One Another
- Nicholas A. Catania
#546 Conflict is Common - Nicholas A. Catania
#547 Becoming One Flesh
- Nicholas A. Catania
#548 Conflict Resolution, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#549 Conflict Resolution, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#550 More than Abundant Love - Nicholas A. Catania
#551 God's Blueprint for Dating
- Nicholas A. Catania
#552 Thankfulness - Don Pinchok
#553 Lighthouse of God
- Nicholas A. Catania
#555 Elders, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#556 Elders, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#557 Elders, Part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#558 Elders, Part 4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#559 The Day Jesus Died, part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#560 The Day Jesus Died, part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#561 The Lies We Believe - Nicholas A. Catania
#562 Jesus Our Hope
- Nicholas A. Catania
#562 Jesus Our Truth - Nicholas A. Catania
#1 of 3 Weekend in the Word - Prayer
- Reverend Larry Panarello
#2 of 3 Weekend in the Word - Pray with Understanding
- Warren Rosenthal
#3 of 3 Weekend in the Word - Prayer, part 2
- Reverend Larry Panarello
#563 Jesus Our Truth - Nicholas A. Catania
#564 Make the Word Your Own - Nicholas A. Catania
#565 Growing in Grace
- Nicholas A. Catania
#566 Righteous Judgment - Nicholas A. Catania
#567 Resisting the Truth
- Nicholas A. Catania
#568 Walk With God, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#569 Walk With God, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#570 "Understandest Thou What Thou Readeth?"
- Nicholas A. Catania
#571 Making Jesus Lord Daily -
Nicholas A. Catania
#572 Marriage Commitment - Nicholas A. Catania
#573 Understanding the Law, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#574 God's Call to Obedience -
Nicholas A. Catania
#575 Understanding the Law, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#576 God is in Control - Nicholas A. Catania
#577 Understanding the Law, Part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#578 Lies That Empower, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#579 Lies That Empower, Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#580 Jesus Our Savior - Nicholas A. Catania
#581 Should Christians Vote?
- Nicholas A. Catania
#582 Fasting - Nicholas A. Catania
#583 Man′s Dilemma
- Nicholas A. Catania
#584 The Goodness of God - Nicholas A. Catania
#585 Withered Life Restored
- Nicholas A. Catania
#586 Who Am I? -
Nicholas A Cataniai
#587 The Heart and Need for Reproof - Nicholas A. Catania
#588 Sonship and Fellowship
- Nicholas A. Catania
#589 The Birth of Jesus : The Bible and Astronomy, part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#590 The Birth of Jesus: The Wise Men, part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#591 The Birth of Jesus: The Course of Abia, part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#592 Road to Recovery - Nicholas A. Catania
#593 The Birth of Jesus: Part 4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#594 The Birth of Jesus: Dating His Star, part 5
- Nicholas A. Catania
#595 The Birth Of Jesus, Jupiter His Star, part 6
- Nicholas A. Catania
#596 The Birth Of Jesus: Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed, part 7
- Nicholas A. Catania
#597 The Birth Of Jesus: The Birth of Jesus Christ, part 8
- Nicholas A. Catania
#598 The Hand of God - Carmen Tronombe
#599 God's Love
- Jimmy Guarini
#600 Our Words and Deeds - Nicholas A. Catania
#601 Sanctification, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#602 Sanctification, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#603 Sanctification, Part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#604 Sanctification, Part 4 - Nicholas A. Catania
#605 Sanctification, Part 5
- Nicholas A. Catania
#606 Sanctification, Part 6 - Nicholas A. Catania
#607 Encourage Yourself in the Lord
- Nicholas A. Catania
#608 Our Words - Jimmy Guarini
#609 Authority and the Spirit Realm, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#610 Authority and the Spirit Realm, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#611 The Curse of the Law, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#612 The Curse of the Law, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#613 The Curse of the Law, Part 3 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#614 The Curse of the Law, Part 4 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#615 The Curse of the Law, Part 5 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#616 Grow Up, Put Off, Put On - Jonathan Carter
#617 Saying NO
- Nicholas A. Catania
#619 The Voice
- Carmen Tornambe
#620 It is Written - Nicholas A. Catania
#621 One Can Make a Difference
- Nicholas A. Catania
#622 Takes Two to Become One Flesh -
Nicholas A. Catania
#623 Healing for All - Nicholas A. Catania
#624 Walk in Forgiveness
- Nicholas A. Catania
#625 They are only Feelings - Nicholas A. Catania
#626 Jonah
- Nicholas A. Catania
#627 God's Way - Nicholas A. Catania
#628 Fruit-Filled Way
- Kim. Catania
#629 Thanksgiving: The Language of Heaven -
Carmen Tornambe
#630 The Knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#631 The Knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#632 The Knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil, Part 3
- Nicholas A. Catania
#633 Husbands Love Your Wives, Part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#634 Husbands Love Your Wives, Part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#635 A Woman's Covering - Nicholas A. Catania
#636 Wives Submit Yourselves
- Nicholas A. Catania
#637 The Bible and Divorce - Nicholas A. Catania
#638 A Modest Wife
- Nicholas A. Catania
#639 Dealing with a Difficult Husband
- Nicholas A. Catania
#640 The Knowledge of God - Nicholas A. Catania
#641 Walk in Love
- Nicholas A. Catania
#642 The Anatomy of Anger - Nicholas A. Catania
#643 Our Net Worth
- Kim Catania
#644 God has a Message for You - Jim Guarini
#645 Resurrection Sunday 2014
- Nicholas A. Catania
#646 Forgiveness - Nicholas A. Catania
#647 The Lord's Sacrifice
- Nicholas A. Catania
#648 Forgiveness, part 1 - Jim Guarini
#649 Forgiveness, part 2
- Jim Guarini
#650 The Church, part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#651 The Church, part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#652 The Church, part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#653 The Way of Salvation, part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#654 The Way of Salvation, part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#655 The Way of Salvation, part 3 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#656 Fear Not - Nicholas A. Catania
#657 Who are you?
- Nicholas A. Catania
#658 Gradual Change - Carmen Tornambe
#659 Doers of God's Word
- Chuck Incarvite
#660 The Hope, part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#661 The Hope, part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#662 The Hope, part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#663 Living your faith
- Nicholas A. Catania
#664 Healing for All - Nicholas A. Catania
#665 Recognizing the Voice of God
- Jim Guarini
#666 Trust God - Nicholas A. Catania
#667 The Altar of Ed, part 1
- Nicholas A. Catania
#668 The Altar of Ed, part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#669 Vote Biblical Values - Nicholas A. Catania
Sowing a Blessing
- Nicholas A. Catania
#671 Grace - Nicholas A. Catania
#672 Samson the Nazarite
- Nicholas A. Catania
#673 The Full Gospel - Chuck Incarvite
#674 Being Able to Endure Hardship
- Jim Guarini
#675 Too Busy Giving Advice - Nicholas A. Catania
#676 The Doctrinal Walk
- Nicholas A Catania
#677 Holy Spirit Series, part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#678 Holy Spirit Series, part 2 (Who is
Qualified to Receive Holy Spirit) -
Chuck Incarvite
#679 Holy Spirit Series, part 3 (Patience) - Nicholas A. Catania
#680 Holy Spirit Series, part 4
- Nicholas A. Catania
#681 Holy Spirit Series, part 5 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#682 Holy Spirit Series, part 6 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#683 Holy Spirit Series, part 7 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#684 Ordained of God, part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#685 Ordained of God, part 2
- Nicholas A. Catania
#687 The Mystery/ One Body -
Delores Incarvite
#688 Acts, Chapter 1 - Chuck Incarvite
#689 What Does God Want?
- Howard Frank
#690 Tripartite - Chuck Incarvite
Don't Tempt God - Nicholas A. Catania
#692 Wisdom -
Nicholas A. Catania
#693 Resurrection Sunday 2015 - Nicholas A. Catania
#694 Father God
- Nicholas A. Catania
#696 Regarding Anger - Nicholas A. Catania
#697 Aggressive Submission
- Nicholas A. Catania
#698 The Six Abodes of Satan -
Nicholas A. Catania
#699 The Reality of Demons, part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#700 The Reality of Demons, part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#701 Overcoming Anxiety - Nicholas A. Catania
#702 Fearing God
- Nicholas A. Catania
#703 Jehovah Rapha - Nicholas A. Catania
#704 Overcoming Fear
- Nicholas A. Catania
#705 Overcoming Pride - Nicholas A. Catania
#706 The Body of Christ
- Janet Pinchok
#707 Soul Ties - Nicholas A. Catania
#708 Living in Light of the Hope
- Chuck Incarvite
#709 Imparting God's Love -
Nicholas A. Catania
#710 God's Warranty - Melissa Cooper
#711 Praying - Nicholas A. Catania
#713 The Mind of Christ - Nicholas A. Catania
#714 Motivated by Love - Carmen Tornambe
#715 Through Love Serve One Another - Kim Catania
#716 Ephesians Chapter 6 - Nicholas A. Catania
#717 Repentance/ Zaccheus - Nicholas A. Catania
#718 Keys for Unity, Part1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#719 Keys for Unity, Part2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#720 Compassion and Healing - Nicholas A. Catania
#721 The Birth of Jesus
- Jim Guarini
#722 Our Spiritual Enemy - Nicholas A. Catania
#723 The Love Triangle - Chuck Incarvite
#724 Give it All to Him - Nicholas A. Catania
#725 Resolving to Stand for God - Delores Incarvite
#726 Hakuna Matata - Chuck Incarvite
#727 The Italian Band - Nicholas A. Catania
#728 The Heart of Giving - Jim Guarini
#729 Power and Authority, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#730 Power and Authority, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#731 Power and Authority, Part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#732 The Power of Forgiveness - Alan Hirschfeld
#734 Obligated to God - Nicholas A. Catania
#735 If You've Seen Me, You've Seen the Father
- Don Pinchok
#736 Prayer & Followthrough - Jonathan Carter
#737 Delegated Authority
- Nicholas A. Catania
#738 Misused Authority - Nicholas A. Catania
#739 The Good News - Nicholas A. Catania
#740 The Sent Word - Nicholas A. Catania
#741 God Believes in You - Nicholas A. Catania
#742 The Robe of Righteousness -
Carmen Tornambe
#743 Calling Things as Though They Were -
Nicholas A. Catania
#744 Faith Series Part 1 (The God Kind of Faith)
- Nicholas A. Catania
#745 Faith Series Part 2 (The Measure of Faith)
- Nicholas A. Catania
#746 Faith Series Part 3 (Abiding in Faith)
- Nicholas A. Catania
#748 Faith Series Part 4 (Faith Takes Action)
- Nicholas A. Catania
#749 Faith Series Part 5 (Enemies of Faith)
- Nicholas A. Catania
#750 Faith Series Part 6 (Bible Kinds of Faith)
- Nicholas A. Catania
#751 Faith Series Part 7 (The Manifestation of Faith)
- Nicholas A. Catania
#752 Keys to Energizing Your Believing
- Chuck Incarvite
#753 Think, Believe, Confession, Part 1 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#754 Think, Believe, Confession Part 2 -
Nicholas A. Catania
#755 Faith: How to Receive From God -
Nicholas A. Catania
#756 Living La Vida Loca - Chuck Incarvite
#758 A Distracted Heart - Nicholas A. Catania
#759 Keep Your Heart - Nicholas A. Catania
#760 The Good Fight - Nicholas A. Catania
#761 How to Pray - Nicholas A. Catania
#762 The Immutable Heart of God - Chuck Incarvite
#764 Blessed is the Nation - Lynn Hadley
#765 Righteousness - Nicholas A. Catania
#766 The Perfect Will of God - Nicholas A. Catania
#767 Should Christians Vote? - Nicholas A. Catania
#768 Kindness - Chuck Incarvite
#769 Overcoming Shame and Guilt - Nicholas A. Catania
#770 Faith and Confession - Nicholas A. Catania
#771 The Gospel of Intolerance Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#772 The Gospel of Intolerance Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#774 Tenderheartedness - Chuck Incarvite
#775 PTSD Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#776 PTSD Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#777 An Overview of Psalms - Jonathan Carter
#778 Power in the Name Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#779 Power in the Name Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#780 Power in the Name Part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#781 The Church of Satan - Nicholas A. Catania
#782 Tempted and Tried - Nicholas A. Catania
#783 Full Assurance of Faith - Nicholas A. Catania
#785 Three Keys to Success - Carmen Tornambe
#786 Our Sacred Duty - Nicholas A. Catania
#787 Servant to All - Nicholas A. Catania
#788 Service and Authority - Nicholas A. Catania
#789 In His Name - Nicholas A. Catania
#790 What is your Image of Jesus - Delores Incarvite
#791 Setting Goals - Nicholas A. Catania
#792 One Hour with God - Nicholas A. Catania
#793 Dio Padreno (Attributes of a Godly Father) - Chuck Incarvite
#794 God's Love - Nicholas A. Catania
#795 The Manifestation of Believing - Nicholas A. Catania
#796 Visions and Revelation - Nicholas A. Catania
#797 The Spirit of Truth - Nicholas A. Catania
#798 Overcoming Adversity - Nicholas A. Catania
#799 Fake News - Chuck Incarvite
#800 Calming the Storms of Life - Nicholas A. Catania
#801 Peace is a Sonship Right - Nicholas A. Catania
#802 The Integrity of the Word - Delores Incarvite
#803 Learn and Grow - Kim Catania
#804 The Awesome Power of God - Jonathan Carter
#805 Giving Thanks - Chuck Incarvite
#806 The Parallel Between Salvation and Healing Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#807 The Parallel Between Salvation and Healing Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#808 The Armor of Light - Carmen Tornombe
#809 A Certain Disciple - Nicholas A. Catania
#810 Walking in His Steps part 1 - various
#811 How to Treat One Another - Nicholas A. Catania
#812 Bible Kinds of Faith part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#813 Bible Kinds of Faith part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#814 Bible Kinds of Faith part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#815 Rest - Chuck Incarvite
#816 A Savior is Born - Jim Guarini
#817 The Living Word - Nicholas A. Catania
#818 Never Helpless - Nicholas A. Catania
#819 Persuaded by God part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#820 Walking in His Steps part 2 - various
#821 Persuaded by God part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#822 The Anatomy of Faith - Nicholas A. Catania
#823 The Ages to Come, Oh Glory - Sarah Pinchok
#824 Walking in His Steps - various
#825 Salvation Faith - Nicholas A. Catania
#826 Faith and Believing - Nicholas A. Catania
#827 God First - Nicholas A. Catania
#828 El Shadday - Nicholas A. Catania
#829 Changed for Christ - Nicholas A. Catania
#830 Back on Course - Nicholas A. Catania
#831 Believing Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#832 Believing, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#833 The Faith of God - Nicholas A. Catania
#835 God is Bigger than Man - Sarah Pinchok
#836 God is our Sufficiency (Future Leaders) - Nicholas A. Catania
#838 You Can Overcome - Nicholas A. Catania
#839 Pentecost, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#840 Pentecost, part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#841 The End of the Lord - Nicholas A. Catania
#842 Peace in Believing - Nicholas A. Catania
#843 Cheerful Givers - Nicholas A. Catania
#844 No I in Team - Chuck Incarvite
#845 Pride and Grace - Nicholas A. Catania
#846 Making the Right Choice - Nicholas A. Catania
#847 Divine Appointment - Nicholas A. Catania
#848 Love, - Don't Judge - Nicholas A. Catania
#849 One Body Minded - Jim Guarini
#850 One Pitch at a Time - Carmen Tornambe
#851 Will the Real You Please Stand Up - Kim Catania
#852 Faith as a Fruit - Nicholas A. Catania
#853 Faith as a Relationship - Nicholas A. Catania
#854 God's Faith - Nicholas A. Catania
#855 Getting Your Prayers Answered - Nicholas A. Catania
#856 The Perfect Sacrifice - Nicholas A. Catania
#857 Misunderstanding God - Nicholas A. Catania
#858 The Power of Words - Nicholas A. Catania
#859 Don't Worry, Be Happy - Nicholas A. Catania
#860 God's Faith, the Power of Words - Nicholas A. Catania
#861 The Measure of Faith - Nicholas A. Catania
#862 The Test of Faith - Nicholas A. Catania
#863 Why Confession Works - Nicholas A. Catania
#864 Are You Impatient? - Nicholas A. Catania
#865 Sowing Good Seed - Nicholas A. Catania
#866 How Faith Comes - Nicholas A. Catania
#867 The Body Mind Connection, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#868 The Body Mind Connection, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#869 Value Judgement - Nicholas A. Catania
#872 Be Committed - Chuck Incarvite
#873 Vision - Carmen Tornambe
#874 Stay on Track - Nicholas A. Catania
#875 Challenge to Change - Chuck Incarvite
#876 The True Fast - Lynn Hadley
#877 Forgetting the Past - Nicholas A. Catania
#878 The One Body, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#879 The One Body, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#880 The Great Mystery - Nicholas A. Catania
#881 Pure Religion - Nicholas A. Catania
#882 Sin Forsaken - Rev. Larry Panarello
#883 Godliness with Contentment - Connie Panarello
#884 A Change of Heart - Nicholas A. Catania
#885 The Course of This Word "the EAC" - Nicholas A. Catania
#886 Alpha and Omega - Nicholas A. Catania
#887 Administrations - Nicholas A. Catania
#888 Partial Rapture - Nicholas A. Catania
#890 Everlasting Salvation, part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#890 Everlasting Salvation, part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#891 Everlasting Salvation, part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#892 Everlasting Salvation, part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#893 Everlasting Salvation, part 4 - Nicholas A. Catania
#894 The Spirit of Tolerance, Part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#895 The Spirit of Tolerance, Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#896 The Spirit of Tolerance, Part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#897 Love One Another - Nicholas A. Catania
#898 The Moral Dilema of Forgiveness - Nicholas A. Catania
#899 Forgiveness and Tolerance - Nicholas A. Catania
#900 Forgiveness is Not Reconciliation - Nicholas A. Catania
#901 The Heart of Forgiveness - Chuck Incarvite
#902 God's Way - Nicholas A. Catania
#903 Understanding Anger, part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#904 Understanding Anger, part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#905 Overcoming Discouragement = Nicholas A. Catania
#906 Whatever Became of Sin, part 1 = Nicholas A. Catania
#907 Whatever Became of Sin, part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#908 Peace and the Power of Peace - Chuck Incarvite
#909 Faith vs Sight - Nicholas A. Catania
#910 What's Your Perspective - Chuck Incarvite
#911 Life is a Journey - Nicholas A. Catania
#912 Should Christians Vote? - Nicholas A. Catania
#915 Spiritual Warfare, part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#916 Spiritual Warfare, part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#918 Our Spiritual Fight - Nicholas A. Catania
#919 Regeneration - Nicholas A. Catania
#920 Living the Word - Nicholas A. Catania
#921 It's all about Relationship and Heart - Jim Guarini
#922 Who We Are in Christ Jesus - Dolores Incarvite
#923 Permanent Salvation, part 1 - Nicholas A. Catania
#924 Permanent Salvation Part 2 - Nicholas A. Catania
#925 Permanent Salvation Part 3 - Nicholas A. Catania
#926 Permanent Salvation Part 4 - Nicholas A. Catania
#927 The Great Red Dragon - Nicholas A. Catania
#928 Sound Doctrine - Nicholas A. Catania
#929 Resurrection Sunday 2020 - Nicholas A. Catania
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- Donation by check or money order payable to Chapter and Verse Ministry to the following address.
Chapter and Verse Ministry
1019 S. Park Ave.
Audubon, PA 19403-2037
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For more information contact
- Kim at (610) 574-1727.
Chapter & Verse Ministry * 1019 S. Park Avenue * Audubon * PA * 19403-2037
*Email us at chapterandverse1@aol.com or call us at (610) 574-1727.
This page was last updated
04/26/2024 by Lynn Hadley