In 1160 Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed, part 4B, Reverend Nick Catania continues a series on the birth of Jesus Christ. In this section we compare the records of the shepherds and the wise men, the Magi. Traditon teaches us they were all together at the birth of Jesus in the manger. This cannot be true if you examine the records more closely. The shepherds visit a baby in a manger. The wisemen visit Mary and a young child in a house. After Mary gives birth, she and Joseph wait 8 days and then travel to Jerusalem for the circumcision and return to Galilee. When the Magi visit, they go to Jerusalem to see Herod to find out where to find the foretold Judean king. Herod consults chief priests and scribes and then sends the Magi to Bethlehem. After the encounter, Mary and Joseph flee to Egypt in the middle of the night being warned in a vision. Sure enough, Harod massacres all the babies two years old and under. Why not just go for newborns? Watch Reverend Catania fit Matthew 2 and Luke 2 together.