Chapter and Verse Ministry

#1038 One Nation Under God

by Reverend Nicholas A. Catania

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In 1038 One Nation Under God, Reverend Nick Catania shows us how our founding fathers brought God into their important decisions through prayer and by seeking Devine providence. Our founding fathers wrote bibles and built institutions of faith. In our day and time it is more important than ever to vote biblical values, not along our favorite political party lines. Our allegiance should be to our heavenly father. Select the best candidates along spiritual lines.

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1038 One Nation Under God

Good evening. You can take your Bibles and go to Isaiah 33 if you want. Or you can just listen. Some people find it easier to listen and to follow along. I'm gonna talk to you tonight about One Nation under God. Richard had made mention of a voter's guide earlier. I don't know if it's the same one that I have here, but this is from the Family Council and it does have the senate race and the governor's race and all these other things. You can see how they vote and what they stand for. And if you want to know what a notation means just look down here at the bottom.

So what I'm going to do is I'm going to put this on the back table and leave it there. And if you don't know who Shapiro is; or Mastriano is; or Oz or Fetterman or any of these guys that are going to affect our future in Pennsylvania, you can see what they stand for and how they want to vote this sort of thing.

Look in Isaiah 33 in verse 22. It says, "For the Lord is our judge; the Lord is our lawgiver; the Lord is our King. He will save us." God is the lawgiver and he gave laws to Israel and those laws were to be guarded and those laws were to be enforced. Those laws if followed would offer optimum protection for the children of Israel. They would offer safety. They would offer opportunity because they were the best laws; because they came from God.

Now as long as man decided to stay within the realm of what God gave him to be steward of (and that was the laws of God) everything was fine. But once man decided that he knew better, or someone else knew better than God, man got himself in a whole bunch of trouble.

A verse that's familiar to all of you in Psalm 33 in verse 12. It says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance." See, you're chosen of God. That makes you a special person.

Founding father Benjamin Franklin, about five weeks into the Constitutional Convention of 1787 when they were attempting to draft the United States Constitution, all efforts were signaling to a failure. As things began to break up and the delegates returned home to their states, Franklin challenged them and called them to prayer. He told them, "In this situation of this assembly groping as it were in the dark to find political truth and scarce scarce able to distinguish it when presented to us; how has it happened, sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the father of light to illuminate our understanding.

In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain we were in sensible danger, and we had daily prayer in this room for divine protection. Our prayers were heard and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in our favor.

And have we now forgotten that powerful friend; or do we imagine we no longer need his assistance? I have lived, sir, a long time. And the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an Empire can rise without his aid?

We have been assured, sir, in the sacred writings that except the Lord built the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this; and I believe that without his concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel. I therefore beg leave to move that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven and its blessings on our deliberations be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to our business."

You see, they came to a dead end. And you know you got leaders of states. These were brilliant men. Franklin was a brilliant man. These heads of states, these delegates, these were men who hazarded their lives, their families, and their fortunes. They put everything on the line. These weren't guys that just sat around and did nothing. These were movers and shakers. And when you get around those kind of people you get attitude. And when they're convinced that something's right, you get attitude; because that's the type of personality that they're made up of. And when you get a bunch of them in a room and you get a disagreement, they just keep going at it.

They needed something to come back to, to say this is how we're going to run this. See, instead of Virginia and Connecticut; and what does the sir say from this state or this state… and they went and they prayed for God to guide them.

Psalm 127 says exactly that in verse 1, "Except the Lord built the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain." Charles Thompson was Secretary of the Continental Congress; and he was also a strong Christian and he was one of only two people that signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th. The other person was John Hancock. The rest of the people signed it weeks later.

Thomas is also responsible for the Great Seal of the United States which he prepared and Congress approved in 1782. Thompson served 15 years in the Continental Congress and his political career came to a close when he notified George Washington that he had been unanimously selected the president of the United States.

But Thompson wasn't only a great patriot and a supporter of the American cause, he was also a great supporter of the Word of God. In fact his name is associated with some of America's greatest biblical works. For example, his name as Secretary of Congress is found in the introduction to the Atkins Bible (which is also known as the Bible of the Revolution) which was the first Bible printed in English in America.

The Bible was printed by Robert Atkin, the official printer of the Continental Congress and Atkin described that Bible as a neat edition of the Holy scriptures for the use of schools. He wanted the Word of God in schools. And we always had the Word of God in schools in years past. It was reviewed and approved by a committee of the Continental Congress with an official Congressional endorsement published in the front of that Bible.

Thompson was also responsible for the first American translation of the Greek Septuagint; the full Greek Bible into English in 1808: a task that consumed nearly two decades of his life. It's called the Thompson's Bible. It's a four volume set that is considered one of the most scholarly of the American Bible translations; and that translation is still available today.

In 1815, Thompson published his famous Synopsis Of Four Evangelists: in which he took all of the passages from the four gospels and arranged them chronologically; thus producing something like one super long gospel with all Jesus' words and actions arranged sequentially. Today we would call such a work a synoptic gospel. Sadly, today Charles Thompson has become a forgotten founding father, but his contributions both politically and spiritually permanently shaped the course of America and blessed American life.

Our nation's history is replete with examples of our founding fathers' respect and reliance on God. Thus our laws reflected the counsel of God, and for this we have been blessed as a nation in the past. Our founding fathers knew that without the heavenly Father's favor, their labor would be in vain. Daniel 5:21b says, "The most high God rules in the kingdom of men, and that he appoints it over to whomsoever He wills."

And that's quite a testimony regarding the history of our early Congress. Thompson served 15 years. Franklin who is not only just a founding father of the United States, he was a drafter and signer of the United States Declaration of Independence. And he was the first United States Postmaster General. He realized the need for God in government.

Recently, a few months ago, representative Greg Steube began to quote the Bible when speaking against a bill that the Democrats introduced called the Equality Act, which would increasingly normalize transgenderism and forced the government to fund abortions in the House of Representatives.

When I was researching this, this morning AOL's welcome screen highlighted that for the first time in history that there are LGBTQ candidates on every on the ballot in all 50 states. See, as Steube was speaking, within seconds Jerry Nadler (a Democrat from New York) interrupted him. Nadler, apparently angered by the mention of God, loudly yelled into his microphone: "God's will is no concern of this Congress!" That is what he said.

Steube then began to quote from Dr Tony Evans' commentary on the passage of scripture which explained that the gender confusion presented in the 21st century America culture is a clear rejection of God's good design. Whenever a nation's laws no longer reflect the standard of God, that nation is in rebellion against him and it will invariably bear the consequences.

When men or women claim to be able to choose their own sexual identity, they are making a statement that God did not know what he was doing when he created them. James chapter 4 (And if you like to go there you can.) But you see the swing an attitude the shift in belief. Back when they just started, they relied on God. They wanted the Bible. They wanted the Bible in the school so that the children could be exposed to God's Word; and they protected God's laws.

You know there are cases on record far into past the 1800s, early 1900s where people would curse God and do things contrary to the Word of God where they would actually be imprisoned and this sort of thing.

In James 4 the New International reads of verse 12, "There is only one law Giver and Judge, the one who was able to save and destroy. But you - who are you to judge your neighbor?" The scripture says there's only one law giver and that law giver has the ability to save and to destroy.

We always talk about free will. One of the opportunities that we run into with free will is that when men or women choose to walk contrary to God's Word, God says, "Okay go ahead. You don't want to do it my way? Do it your way. But I want to tell you something: if I were you, I wouldn't do that because you're going to run into problems. But because God loves you and gives you free will, you can do what you want. But don't blame God for your life.

Job 38:2 aptly describes Nadler where it says, "Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge." Okay. And you've got a bunch of them up there: and that's what they do. They darkeneth counsel by their words without knowledge. And of course that knowledge (the only true knowledge that can be fruitful and accurate) is the knowledge that God provides along with his wisdom.

Government is supposed to protect God's Word and God's will in the land so that the people can enjoy the freedom to pursue whatever God has called them to be or whatever God has allowed them to do, The government is supposed to protect those rights. They're not supposed to take rights away from you.

God's Word addresses government officials who act to the contrary. In Romans chapter 9 in verse 20, the scripture reads, "But who are you O man; who are you O man to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, ‘why did you make me like this?'"

But what is man to talk back to God? You're lucky that God is compassionate, full of mercy because you'd just be nothing but a smoldering spot on the ground.

Psalm 72 in verse 1 the prayer that David had for his son Solomon. He said, "Give the king thy judgments, O God," See, the king represented the president in our day and time. And the prayer was, ‘Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the King's son.' He wanted him to know the truth because Solomon was going to take over the kingdom. "He shall judge the people with righteousness, and the poor with judgment."

He would do it right. He wouldn't favor; he wouldn't be bought off. And he would judge with righteousness, with righteous judgment. In our court system today; in our legal system today I don't know 50% of it is righteous judgment. It's just polluted with the word: with with the world and the words of the world. And you know what is interesting about our court system? It can be wrong to do something today and tomorrow they just vote something in that changes that.

You know, 10 years ago if you got caught with dope you got went to jail or whatever. Today you're allowed to do it. Today they sell it. It's just all backwards. They got it all backwards.

Verse 3, "The mountains shall bring peace to the people and the little hills by (what?) righteousness. See righteousness… one of the out workings of righteousness; one of the fruits of righteousness is peace. When things are ran righteously, there's peace.

"He shall judge the poor of the people (verse 4), he shall save the children of the needy and shall break in pieces the (what?) oppressor." It doesn't say he's going to let him out after an hour without any bail so he can go rob another Wawa or steal another gun. It's all backwards. And whenever a government rebels against the Father of lights, darkness will come and eventually judgment; because God will only put up with stuff for so long. And as a voter you have a responsibility to God and to your country to vote no.

I'm not just going to tell you to think. Vote no to any policy that contradicts God's Word, okay? Abortion is a sin and it's condemned by God. And any party or candidate supporting abortion is in direct opposition to God. And if you are a bible-believing Christian who speaks the name of Jesus Christ, you cannot vote for any party or candidate who supports abortion. You must side with God and vote no.

And you say that you can't tell them what to do. Yes I can. Yeah, I have the authority too. You know why I have the authority to? Then you tell me why the government has the authority to tell you that you can't marry your sister. They make that a law; or that you can't marry your brother.

They tell you what to do, don't they? They make that a law. See, they'll probably change that a little bit down the line too because that's where they're headed. So don't tell me I don't have the authority. I have the authority to tell you that when it contradicts God's Word: if you call yourself by the name of Jesus Christ you must side with God and you must vote no; or you are compromised.

You're compromised. Dare you put your political party or your political affiliations before the god of Heaven? No; but you know what? There's going to be a lot of so-called Christians come November 8th, they're going to vote for people and parties who support abortion. You know what they do? They turn their back on God; and their party is more important to them than their God.

Now I don't care if you like that or not. That's what the Word of God says. Same-sex marriage is a sin and it's condemned by God. There's no such thing as that in the Bible. They killed them. And any party or candidate who supports same-sex marriage is in direct opposition to God. If you are a bible-believing Christian who speaks the name of Jesus Christ, you cannot vote for any party or candidate who supports same-sex marriage. You must choose sides. Side with God and say no.

There are only two sexes: male and female. And if you are a bible-believing Christian who speaks the name of Jesus Christ, you cannot vote for any party or candidate who supports gender confusion. You must side with God and vote no.

Make a choice. Choose. Are you a Christian or are you a Christian by name? And when no one else is looking, you're something else. Do you want to side with the world against God? Do you want to side with the God of this world? Let me just put it to you straight. Do you want to side with the God of this world against God?

Who do you think came up with these ideas of same-sex marriage? The world did, right? Who's the God of this world? The devil. That's where it came from. Who do you think is coming up with all this gender confusion? The world, right? Who's the God of this world? The devil, right?

Who do you think came up with all this abortion? I never thought that I… You know why? Because this is this is what happens. If you actually ever saw an abortion, you'd puke your guts up. Okay, you would puke your guts up to see what actually goes on. But you know what? The liars: they never show you that. They spin it around; and for the most part they dupe Americans; because Americans, for the most part, are all dumbed down. They don't think for themselves. They Twitter themselves. They Facebook themselves. They go on Instagram and everything else and that's how they get their information.

If you saw an abortion; or if you even saw a late term abortion— that's even worse — nobody would ever vote for that. But they don't show you that, because they know that if they showed you the truth you couldn't bear the truth. Everybody would vote against it. And I never thought I would see the day that they would campaign on abortion.

They're campaigning on abortion; and where someone who's not for abortion they want to make him out to be the bad guy. They call darkness light and they call light darkness. They can't see. And like Matthew 6 says, "If that light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

There's been an attack that has been spun against God for the last half a century. And men and women in the church have not stood their grounds; have not stood for God's Word; and they have allowed God's Word to be pushed and pushed and pushed out.

They pushed it out of the schools; they pushed it out of the courthouses; they pushed it out of the law. And whenever you remove God's Word from the laws of this land, you have nothing but chaos. You'll have nothing but crime. You'll have nothing but confusion. See? God is not the author of confusion, but they pushed him away because man's always got a better way to do it. And what is man's better way to do it? Inflation. War. Abortion. Destruction. Not holding the criminals and not punishing the criminals; and punishing good righteous people. It's all backwards.

God knew what he was doing. That's why he only made a male and a female. That's it. Any party or candidate who supports gender confusion is in direct opposition to God. And if you call yourself a believing Christian and you vote opposite to that: you're a liar and a coward. Because you want to please your party, or your friends, or your peers. You want the applause of man and not the acceptance of God.

Romans 9 verse 20; the New Living Translation reads, "Don't say that. Who are you, a mere human being, to criticize God? Should the thing that was created say to the thing that made it; to the one that made it, 'why have you made me like this?'" That's what they do when they question their gender. Who are you, a mere human being, to criticize God.

Isaiah 29 verse 16 says, "You turn things upside down (this is the New International: listen to it)… You turn things upside down as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to him that formed it, he did not make it? How can the pot say to the potter he knows nothing?" And that's what man is doing, talking to the potter: God who forms made and created man in the beginning. Okay, he doesn't know what he's doing? And you dare to talk to God with that disrespect?

Isaiah 45 9 New Living Translation, "Destruction is certain for those who argue with their Creator. (That's not a good side to be on.) Does a clay pot ever argue with its maker? (If I was making and that thing and it starts talking to me, do you know what I'd do? Give me another one!) Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes It, saying, "Stop, you're doing it all wrong!' Does the pot exclaim, ‘How clumsy can you be?'"

Could you imagine that? But this is what people are doing to God. "You're doing it all wrong. You don't know what you're doing. How clumsy can you be?"

"How terrible would it be (verse 10) if a newborn baby said to its father and mother, 'why was I born? Why did you make me this way?'" There's only two ways to be made. You're either made a woman or you made a man. In this particular context you made a girl or a boy: a baby girl or a baby boy. And the Bible says how terrible would it be if a newborn baby said to its father or mother… But that's not what the world says. The world encourages that. And then they want to put books and literature and teachings into our kindergartens and into our schools that will entice our children who have not known the Word of God enough to stand on their own two feet… And you tell me I can't say, "Don't vote for that jerk." And all the junk they're shoving at us, something wrong.

Verse 11. this is what the LORD: the Creator and Holy One of Israel says, "Don't question what I do. Do you give me orders about the works of my hands?" The Norristown translation is different; but being that it's a G-rated sermon I can't tell you what the father would say. God says who the heck do you think you are: asking me. You're going to give me orders? You're gonna tell me how to do what I'm saying… And that's just man. He's silly; just silly.

Look. How long halt ye between two opinions? If God be God then serve God: but if Baal be God, then serve Baal. And a lot of so-called Christians, believing Christians (quote unquote) are going to go to the polls November 8th. And you know what they're going to do? They're going to violate their God. They're going to violate their oaths. They're going to turn their back on their God. And they're going to vote because they belong to a political party who wants to promote same-sex marriage, abortion, gender confusion, and all the whole rest of stuff.

See, that's not… that is not a Christian believer. Okay? You've got that you may be going to heaven, but you ain't worth nothing here on earth for God. And it's only because of God's goodness, grace, and Jesus Christ's life that you're going to go to heaven. But you ain't worth a hill of beans here on earth. And the Lord's Prayer says his will to be done on Earth as it is in what? Heaven. And you're not being any part of that helping it.

As a matter of fact, you're working with the devil. There's only two sides here; there's only two kingdoms here; and there's both of those kingdoms are in conflict. It's like a tug of war. And you want to know something? You vote that way, you're voting against God.

If you voted that way in wartime you'd be taken out and you'll be shot as a traitor, That's right. You're in the military and you said, "I'll be back." And the sergeant looked over there and he's scoping in where he's going to lob the next shell, and he sees you over there fighting for the enemy; voting with the enemy, helping the enemy. And then you're going to come back at night time and eat and sing "Kumbaya." You know what they do? They take you out and shoot you dead for a traitor. Well, how many Christians are traitors to their God; to their Lord Jesus Christ by the way they act and the things that they're going to do this November 8th.

Now I'm not telling you that the person who doesn't support abortion has got everything good. And I'm not telling you that the person who doesn't support gay marriage has got everything good. Okay? Because if this was a perfect world, none of this junk would even come up in the ballots. But, because man has turned his back on God, and I taught you about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

We're not dealing with that which is best anymore. This is man's day: man's government it says in Corinthians. Man gets a chance to rule. He gets a chance to be a steward of what God gave him. You get a chance to be a steward of what God gave you in your life.

I saw an ad for a stupid drug company. And the baby was born; and then you saw the baby's life, married, children, and back to the grave. And it was all because of this pill that they were taking. It got them from the womb to the tomb. But you know what I thought when I saw that? This is what I thought when I saw that. How many people will go from the womb to the tomb if Jesus Christ should tarry and still never accomplish what God has called them to do because they're screwing around fighting something that should have been taken care of when they were 13 years old? And I just thought when that person dies that's a sad testimony for your life.

That's a sad testimony. I know people that after 10, 15, 20 years, you know what? They're still in the same place spiritually. They're still fighting against the same thing. They're still holding on against the same thing. And you know what that does? That stops them from moving ahead; and they wake up one morning and they die. Honestly, you all know people like that too. Don't tell me you don't.

You can see somebody 10 years from now. The first thing out of their mouth will be the same thing you heard 10 years ago. Don't tell me you don't. And you know what? The last thing out of their mouth's probably going to be what you heard 10 years ago, too. And that's a sad testimony for a person's life; especially when your life is so valuable. And God has given you the freedom and he has given us a country.

And he has he has given you Freedom. We have freedom in this country to move his Word; to be Witnesses for him. There is no greater calling in the world than to be called of God. There's no greater calling. And there's no greater responsibility that goes with that call — which demands great commitment.

And people commit themselves to the weirdest things. They'll commit to their dogs. They'll commit to their cat. They'll commit to their bowling or they'll commit to their bocce. Don't laugh. I see these people going out playing bocce: it's freaking raining and 30 degrees. Where are they going? I'm going to play bocce. Hey God bless. I've got nothing against bocce. I'm Italian. But they're there, right?

Yeah, they've got coats on, it's snowing, they can't see the ball. What are you doing? I'm dusting off the thing, I'm playing bocce. No, they're committed. God doesn't mind as long as you keep him first. You want to play Bocce, God says it's okay. Just keep God first. Right? You want to bowl, go bowl.

But what my point is this: people… get committed to what they want to get committed to. Well, why wouldn't you want to commit to the greatest thing in the world? And the return on that commitment… You know what the return on your bocce is? We won; maybe a trophy at the end of the year. Okay? That's It. And there's nothing wrong with that. But you know what your commitment or your reward is for God and working for him? It's eternal. So how can you compare it?

The great military leader Joshua once said, "You know, as for me and my house; we will serve the Lord." That's all you're responsible for. Don't worry about your neighbor. You worry about you. And don't let people tell you, and don't be of the opinion, "Oh, I can't say nothing. It's their business."

Yes, you can say something: they say something to us. They tell us what we can and can't do; and we don't ask it. They just come out and right out and tell us that. You can say something. And when you vote — when you go to vote — you vote for God. He's number one. And if you have God in your corner and in your mind when you go to vote; you'll know who to vote for and who not to vote for. And I'm not telling you it's perfect, but it's a blatant easy decision to make.

And that doesn't mean Democrats are better than Republicans or vice versa. It just means that all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. If we're ever going to get the Word back to the world, somebody has to take a stand and somebody has to have the standards of God and not be afraid to say so. Amen?

Let's pray. Lord, thank you for your Word and thank you that we can side with you; we can partner with you; and we can defend you, father. That we stand with you; that we don't stand with our peers, we don't stand with our political affiliations, we don't stand with our friends. When it comes to the Word, we have no friends. We stand on your Word with you, father. And when we vote we vote on your Word with you, father. And we don't vote against you.

And no matter what way the election goes, father, we do our best. We do our part because you have called us and given us this responsibility. And you will continue to bless us and watch over us, father, because we are in fellowship with you. And we want your Word to spread. And I pray for the upcoming election.

I pray that anyone that hears this teaching in the next week will wake up and vote biblical principles, father, and vote for you and not against you and help in the building and the recognition and the movement of the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the kingdom of the world, the kingdom of the devil. It's in Jesus Christ's name we pray. Amen.

Note: All scripture is from the King James Version unless otherwise noted. NIV indicates The New International Version, NKJV indicates the New King James Version, ASV means the American Standard Version, BBE means the Bible in Basic English, DBY means the Darby translation,  NAU means the American Standard Version, 1995 Edition, and NAB means the New American Bible translation. For more information, go to the Works Cited page.
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This page was last updated 05/04/2024 by Lynn Hadley